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Hit the links with more swagger in PGA TOUR 2K23.
Take your skills, and your swag, on the PGA TOUR and become the next FedExCup Champion. Compete against other TOUR pros with your MyPLAYER and establish new rivalries.
For the first time, play as male and female pros including Tiger Woods, in online and local play! PGA TOUR 2K23 features multiple licensed courses, including East Lake Golf Club, St. George’s Golf and Country Club, TPC Scottsdale, and TPC Sawgrass to name a few.
Build your own fantasy fairway with the industry-leading Course Designer, featuring thousands of customizable objects. With cross-platform support, you can even share your creation with the world for online and local play.
Drop into Topgolf from wherever you are solo or with your crew, in competitive 1-4 player local and online play, bringing the fun and excitement to both casual and seasoned players.
New Skills and Archetypes level up your MyPLAYER while new licensed gear and apparel from top brands like adidas, Callaway, Titleist, Malbon, and more, bring the swag to the green.
Choose between the new 3-Click swing system and the traditional analog Swing Stick. Accessible features include real-time tutorials, tips, shot suggestions, the TrueShot System, and Lie Management.
Rule your rough and control your Clubhouse with Online Societies. Make the game your own by managing tournaments and full seasons. Set up entry rules, requirements, handicaps, and event options.
Hit the links with your crew in local and online matches, including Alt-Shot, Stroke Play, Skins, and 4-Player Scramble. Plus, the frenzied multiplayer mode Divot Derby is back, bringing the virtual golf party to this single-elimination, shoot-out style competition.
©2018-2022 Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. Developed by HB Studios and published by 2K. 2K, HB Studios, T2, Take-Two Interactive, and their respective logos are trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Made with Unity. Portions of this program ©2005 -2022 Unity Technologies. 2021 Unity Technologies. 3D production and optimization powered by InstaLOD. InstaLOD is a trademark of InstaLOD GmbH. The PGA TOUR and TPC names and logos are registered trademarks and used under license from PGA TOUR. Topgolf and the Shield design are registered trademarks of Topgolf International, Inc. The ratings icon is a registered trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. All other marks are property of their respective owners.
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Hit the links with more swagger in PGA TOUR 2K23. Now featuring playable male and female pros, including Tiger Woods, new licensed courses, more control options, an authentic PGA TOUR MyCAREER, Course Designer, and new MyPLAYER Skills and Archetypes! PGA TOUR 2K23. More Golf. More Game.
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