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Kräver grundspelet Against the Storm på Steam för att kunna använda Against the Storm - Keepers of the Stone.
As the struggle for survival against the Blightstorm continues, Against the Storm - Keepers of the Stone introduces a new species, a new biome, and a selection of new buildings, orders, risks, and opportunities for any Viceroy up for the challenge. The Frogs join the effort to push back the storm, bringing their skill with stone masonry and love for water with them. Meanwhile, a changing of the tides has unlocked new potential in the distance – the Coastal Groves have finally become accessible after countless cycles spent under the deluge. Though they remain isolated and hard to reach, the ancient, submerged settlements of the area hold great treasures waiting to be uncovered.
Welcome the dignified Frogs to your settlements and take advantage of their proficiency with stone masonry, the comfort they take in rainwater, and their ability to increase the rate at which new citizens join your settlements.
Housing holds a special place among their desires – in their pride the new Frogs refuse to live in ordinary shelters, demanding instead highly upgradeable Frog Houses be constructed especially for them. Each of the four upgrade levels introduces significant changes to the functionality of the housing, making for a crucial pursuit in dire circumstances.
Explore the new Coastal Grove biome where settlements start along the water, far from the easy reach of royal envoys and the benefits they provide. Rely instead on the Strider Port building – unique to the Coastal Grove biome, it allows you to launch expeditions seeking treasures buried in the surrounding waters. The Strider Port offers a fresh way to seek out new building designs with each expedition simply requiring a supply of food for the Water Strider and its rider alike – the more you’re willing to invest in supplies, the better your potential finds might be.
New rewards are added to the upgrade tree in the Smoldering City to benefit the new Frog species alongside 3 new Legendary Cornerstones, 1 new Epic Cornerstone, 3 new Rare perks, and 5 new Uncommon perks.
Pursue 12 new orders that reflect the Frogs and their capabilities, pushing Viceroys to upgrade houses, seek out a greater Frog population, tend to their specific needs, or otherwise take advantage of their unique strengths.
The new biome will appear on the world map after the current cycle ends. To unlock Frogs as a playable species, you must reach level 13.
Enjoy a new soundscape including 14 new tracks added to reflect the dangers and opportunities of the Coastal Grove biome.
Serve the Scorched Queen across new lands and challenges, with a brand new species at your side – with these keepers of the stone, you may yet push back the Blightstorm and the devastation it brings with it.
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Frogs join the struggle in Against the Storm, bringing their own strengths, weaknesses, and desires. Settle a unique new biome, explore new building options, and send expeditions in search of valuable blueprints for the Scorched Queen.
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