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Kräver grundspelet Kingdom Two Crowns på Steam för att kunna använda Kingdom Two Crowns: Call of Olympus.
“Sail forth and explore other lands
Restore the gods and fulfill their demands” - Oracle
In faraway lands, Mount Olympus stands tall among the islands, casting an eerie shadow of unease. A sinister force has seized the divine realm and as a Monarch, you are setting out on a journey to stop it from consuming the world. Mediterranean warmth touches your skin as you slowly ride through dark woods and along beaches with glittering turquoise waters. Your quest is clear and the gods’ presence is palpable, but will they aid you against the Greed attacking at night? Kingdom Two Crowns: Call of Olympus is a major expansion for Kingdom Two Crowns. Set out and build your Kingdom, alone or in co-op with a friend, in a completely new setting featuring legends and mythos inspired by ancient Greece.
An Epic New World: Call of Olympus features a reworked map with an epic conclusion at Mount Olympus, and you choose how to get there!
Temple and Quest Islands: These new islands present unique challenges, hidden treasures and powerful artifact rewards - prove your worth to Artemis, Athena, Hephaestus and Hermes to open the path to Mount Olympus.
Mythological mounts: Discover and unlock powerful new mounts, like the fierce three-headed Cerberus, the terrifying fire-breathing Chimera, the majestic winged Pegasus, or the trusty Donkey… and many more!
Face Your Fears: Muster steadfast defences to protect your crown, the Greed threat is more challenging than ever before, with multi-phased boss battles against the sinister Serpent.
Raise Your Banner: Shift the momentum and lead from the front. Bring the fight to the Greed with new siege mechanics, where the Hoplites will join you in Phalanx formation.
Assemble Your Fleet: Fight on land and at sea - build a fleet with devastating ship-mounted ballistas to join your battle. Once victorious, use your armada to ferry your army across the seas and combat the growing threat of Greed.
Powerful Artifacts: Unlock four unique artifacts bestowed by the gods. Whether you choose a bow with a powerful directed attack, or a hammer that boosts your troops’ prowess, these items grant you new offensive and defensive abilities against the Greed.
Guided by the Oracle: Never stray from the task at hand. At your request,the Oracle will provide you with wisdom and directions for the next step of your Odyssey!
Set the Greed Ablaze: Wield powerful fire technology granted by the new hermit. It's as if it was gifted by Prometheus himself!
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Nej, du får Kingdom Two Crowns: Call of Olympus produktnyckel (Kingdom Two Crowns: Call of Olympus CD Key), som du får via e-post. Sedan måste du använda Steam-plattformen för att lösa in dina Kingdom Two Crowns: Call of Olympus produktnyckel (Kingdom Two Crowns: Call of Olympus CD Key), och du är redo att ladda ner, installera och spela Kingdom Two Crowns: Call of Olympus. Du får en steg-för-steg guide om hur du gör detta tillsammans med ditt köp. Det är hur enkelt som helst!
Explore islands of ancient legends and mythos, seek the favors of the gods to challenge and defend against Greed of epic scales in this major expansion - Kingdom Two Crowns: Call of Olympus.
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