Kräver grundspelet Stellaris: Standard Edition på Steam för att kunna använda Stellaris: Grand Archive.
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Kräver grundspelet Stellaris: Standard Edition på Steam för att kunna använda Stellaris: Grand Archive.
What does it take to contain a galaxy?
In the Grand Archive Story Pack, uncover and showcase the rarest treasures across the cosmos—both living and inanimate. Amass an unparalleled collection of xeno-geological artifacts, relics of forgotten civilizations, and untamed space fauna in your Grand Archive, a groundbreaking new megastructure.
Will you become the galaxy’s greatest curator or sell your finds for untold riches?
Harness advanced gravity snare technology to safely capture and study space fauna. Clone these creatures to create fleets of formidable fauna customized through genetic mutations. But tread carefully—two new deadly species, the asteroid-dwelling Cutholoids, and the sinister Voidworms, now roam the galaxy.
Explore, collect, and showcase. The galaxy is now your personal treasure trove.
Key Features:
The Grand Archive
A monumental new megastructure that preserves and displays the galaxy's rarest and most valuable artifacts.
151 specimens to collect (and more available with other DLCs!)
From historical relics to wild space creatures, create the ultimate galactic exhibition.
The Vivarium
Capture and breed wild space fauna, then genetically enhance them to build custom fleets.
New Mid-Game Crisis: The Voidworm Plague
Face the terror of a rampaging Voidworm infestation and save your empire—or watch it fall.
Two New Origins
Treasure Hunters and Primal Calling
Two Deadly Species of Space Fauna
Voidworms and Cutholoids
Two New Civics
Galactic Curators and Beastmasters
Two New Tradition Trees
Archivism and Domestication
17 New Relics
Discover powerful new relics that will aid in your conquest and collection.
3 New Music Tracks
Immerse yourself in the cosmic splendor with new music that enhances your exploration of the galaxy.
Legal Information
©2024 and published by Paradox Interactive AB. STELLARIS and PARADOX INTERACTIVE are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB in Europe, the U.S., and other countries. Other trademarks, logos, and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.
Hur fungerar det? Får jag Stellaris: Grand Archive som en fysisk kopia?
Nej, du får Stellaris: Grand Archive produktnyckel (Stellaris: Grand Archive CD Key), som du får via e-post. Sedan måste du använda Steam-plattformen för att lösa in dina Stellaris: Grand Archive produktnyckel (Stellaris: Grand Archive CD Key), och du är redo att ladda ner, installera och spela Stellaris: Grand Archive. Du får en steg-för-steg guide om hur du gör detta tillsammans med ditt köp. Det är hur enkelt som helst!
In the Grand Archive Story Pack, uncover and showcase the rarest treasures across the cosmos—both living and inanimate.
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